. — Because of the need for public spaces and seatings; sidewalks, steps, unfinished or broken walls turn into places where people sit and create even social circles. The aim of the 40-chair is to bring life to street objects and surfaces that once seemed useless.

. — The chair 40 does not create something new, it redefines something that already exists.  Through the implementation of the device, people begin to notice and realise the potential of these objects to create a street life.

. —The non-existing rear legs highlights the dependence of the chair on the existing urban object.  To make it easy to construct and de-construct, the chair was divided into sections.

. — The sections were cut with a cnc machine in a very short amount of time.

. — This makes the chair very light allowing one person to assemble and move it around without any additional help.

. — The ambition is to spread the idea of the 40-chair and create open-source self-build chair for awareness of our integrated social/urban environments.

. — The project aims to be a tool for people to recognise the urban objects that bring interaction to their environment by recalling the basic chair image, rather than drawing the attention on the chair design itself.